Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bringwald Family Christmas (Cont.)

While looking for our tree we noticed that many of them had old fishing lures hanging from their limbs, left by many frustrated anglers. Seemed like a fine theme for the tree. I thought this would be a good excuse to purchase some new tackle. My wife, however, figured I already had enough gear laying around to decorate the tree. The selection I found in all of my hiding places was amazing, and yes I DO NEED and DO USE everyone of these. Or at least I WILL NEED and WILL USE everyone of these. A fisherman just can't be without that special lure, no matter what the cost. Sorry, but the pics do not do justice to how awesome the tree really looks, and that is coming from someone who knows his strange Christmas trees. There are also a couple pics of our trees from years past. Merry Christmas.

This was an aspen from our front yard that a deer had rubbed his horns on, removing all the bark from around the trunk. It would have died in the spring so in the house it came. I know, I know, it looks pretty cool and you want one next year. This was the start of it all.

Yes, that is a flocked sage bush. My favorite so far but I'll try to move it down the list in the years to come.


rabidrunner said...

Very nice, Mr. B. I want to be you when I grow up.

thetaylors said...

Are you ever going to update your blog?