For many years now I have opted for a x-mas tree that was a little different than the norm. Cindy always questions my judgment but in the end she and everyone else seems to love them and they are a lot more memorable than buying one on the lot. I have had my eye on some trees in the narrows at Strawberry that were killed when the water came up many years ago. This year the weather was nice and we had not put the boat up yet, so why not go for a ride.
Heading into the narrows we encountered a little ice that we had to break through to access the the tree farm. A fine start to a great adventure.

I know it's hard to see in the picture but if you look really close you can see the beam of light shining down through clouds illuminating our find. Cindy had to keep the boat pulled in tight to the tree while I stood on the bow and cut it down.

I was lucky that both me and the tree did not go for a swim in the 38 degree water.

Now that is a fine looking specimen. The tree isn't to bad either.

Here we are cruising the lake with the Charlie Brown special tied to the transom. I kept expecting to see the hot red speed boat with Christie Brinkley at the helm but it was not to be.

Of course I couldn't make it to Strawberry without tossing a line in for just a minute. I believe we were the only boat on the lake pulling in a fish on the swim deck while standing next to a dead pine tree. Imagine that!

In case any of you are wanting to try this method of tree hunting for yourself, here is picture of how you bring one home. I doubt this pic was very necessary.
You should post before and after photos.
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